• Learning to code

    Speaking Snake

    If you had told me this time last year I would be excited to be learning Python I would have responded ‘you must be mistaken, I’m no parselmouth!’ - shout out to all the Harry Potter fans out there who got that reference*. Oh how times have changed. As I am beginning to learn to program I increasing see the Python programming language as the key. I also want to share some things that have been helping me in staying motivated to learn to program with the Udacity Intro to programming nanodegree Python course. So what is this Python programming language? For those of you not familiar with computer programming,…

  • Learning to code

    Deciphering the code - Teach yourself to code; HTML and CSS for beginners

    Are you trying to teach yourself to code? I have now completed parts 1 & 2 of the Udacity course covering HTML and CSS for beginners. I must admit I rushed through the HTML and CSS tutorial to some extent as I know the language I really need is Python. Having said that I found both parts really interesting. In particular I liked how logical it all was. I mean this both in terms of the nanodegree program content and practically getting to write the code. Also I achieved a couple of excellent ratings on my project submissions which helps 8D. I honestly don’t know why I hadn’t started learning…

  • Learning to code

    Finding the code

    Why am I learning to code? I am seeing the first step of learning to code and program so to get to writing ML algorithms as a mission boot camp. If I am to be serious about my mission then I must be serious about where I train. But where I hear you ask do you start to teach yourself to code? I chose a Udacity nanodegree. (New to the blog and wondering what on earth is this person on about talking about missions I just want to learn to code! What is this mysterious mission? Find out in my post here: The Mission) Where to learn to code: finding…

  • Learning to code

    Entering the domain

    Write a blog they said… It’ll be great they said… You’ll love it! They said… And I believed them.  What they didn’t say was how f***ing complicated setting up a blog is, or how stressful. How hard could it be though? I naively thought. How do you set up a blog? Everyone’s got a blog these days and I have a masters degree, I’ll fly through the process… How wrong I was. Setting up a domain First of all you need to choose a web hosting platform and a domain name for your blog, but not just any name, ohhhh no. The domain name you choose has to be unique,…

  • Learning to code

    The Mission

    What is success? I must have read hundreds of articles preaching strategies to achieve success. They tell me pick up these habits, follow these simple steps, adopt these rules to live by etc. etc. etc. They all insist I get up approximately 4 hours earlier than I want to and eat exclusively plant based substitutes that cost 3 times the price of the original product. The question I have is, if I were to follow the steps and achieve success what would that mean? What is success? What makes something successful? How can I tell if I am successful? Who am I and why do I care about ‘what is…